Admit U Consulting and First Choice Prep have teamed up to lead small group academic pods this upcoming school year.
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Full School Support:
Designed for 4-6 students in the same grade and district who will work with a teacher 5 days per week, 5 hours per day, during normal school hours.
Groups can use the curriculum provided by students' school districts as a guide, or they can use home school curricula provided by the state of NJ. These pods will function as a replacement for the in-person instruction students will be missing out on this upcoming school year.
Teachers will personalize the curriculum to fit the needs of the students in the group by providing enrichment, acceleration, and personalized supports.
Prices for this model range from roughly $500-$750/student/week, depending on the teacher and the number of students in your group.
Will require a half-year commitment
Hybrid School Support (option A):
Designed for 4-6 students in the same grade and district who will work with a teacher 3 days per week, 3 hours per day, on "off days" when students aren't in their school building.
Instructors will teach students the curriculum provided by students' school districts and supplemental material the instructor has created themselves. Teachers will personalize the curriculum to fit the needs of the students in the group by providing enrichment, acceleration, and personalized supports.
As above, the goal of these pods is to provide students with the instruction they otherwise would have been getting if they were able to be in school 5 days per week.
Prices for this model range from roughly $250-$400/student/week.
Hybrid School Support (option B):
Designed for 4-6 students in the same grade and district who will work with a teacher 2 days per week, 5 hours per day, on "off days" when students aren't in their school building.
Instructors will teach students the curriculum provided by students' school districts and supplemental material the instructor has created themselves. Teachers will personalize the curriculum to fit the needs of the students in the group by providing enrichment, acceleration, and personalized supports.
As above, the goal of these pods is to provide students with the instruction they otherwise would have been getting if they were able to be in school 5 days per week.
Prices for this model range from roughly $250-$400/student/week.
A bit more on our guiding principles:
We will be using these guiding principles for operating pods.
We will maximize the health and safety of all students, families, and staff members. All participating families and teachers will have to adhere to our COVID safe guidelines in order to participate. We will use the most up-to-date guidance from local and national authorities to ensure we operate safely.
We will provide the highest quality education to our students. We know that kids benefit so much from all that teachers can provide, especially in-person, so we will hire dedicated, qualified, experienced teachers to deliver enriching and advanced instruction.
We will be responsive to the needs and priorities of our family members and staff members. Our role is to match the best possible instructor to your pod and let you build and cultivate the relationship to fit your families' needs, in the same way that our teacher will differentiate learning to meet the educational and social needs of your children.
Save your spot!
Additionally, we are now accepting deposits for our pods. Deposits can be placed towards any of our academic pod offerings this coming year. Once we receive your deposit, we will work to match you with one of our instructors. Your deposit will then be applied to your tuition payment. In the event that we are not able to fulfill your request, your deposit will be refunded in full. Click here to complete the deposit information form.